Minggu, 06 September 2009

MALAYSIA have mercy ........OWH...SO SAD!!! :)

Countrymen friends and compatriots, this paper does not intend to burn our anger against Malaysia. Conversely, we may need to empathize with some of our neighbors on this one because it almost 'no identity'.

Try our generous because we are a great nation, much larger than Malaysia or small countries in the world. Let's see the facts between Indonesia and Malaysia.

1. Malaysia's independence was given by the English

Indonesia was born and became the greatest nation in the world with a heroic way, expel the imperialist nations of the world's largest such as Dutch, English, Japanese. Soekarno, Bung Hatta, General Sudirman, Bung Tomo, the history of Indonesia is full of great heroes. England given independence and Malaysians are not enthusiastic because of its independence as given by the British royal.

2. Malays are the cultural center of Sumatra, Not Malaysia.

Initially based in Malays Melayu and Sriwijaya kingdom centered in Jambi and Palembang. Basic culture Itupun Malaysian Malays lost just as Sumatra. Songs, dances, and literary works Malays in Sumatra, much more. Malays and only one of the main culture of thousands of Indonesian culture that is superior and wealthy. So Malaysia like copy-paste to other cultures, including Indonesia, China, and India.

3. National Anthem Indonesia Raya Vs Malaysia

Indonesian national anthem is one of the main anthem of the world's most heroic, and always sung the Indonesian nation with a sense of pride and nationalism are high. Malaysian national anthem, it was just track people traced.

4. Indonesia's economy is much greater than Malaysia

June 2009 before Morgan Stanley said Indonesia will become The Next BRIC, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Indonesia, and has the potential to become one of the main world's strongest economies. Indonesia specifically invited on an exclusive meeting of industrial nations G-8, and became a member of the G-20. Malaysia was never invited (Singapore aja ngga invited!).

5. Dependence Malaysia In Indonesia.

Malaysia's economy depends to Indonesia. Although just a coolie workers harshly, the Malaysian economy would immediately collapse if they are not there, so thank Malaysia to the workers instead of doom!

6. Malaysia, Bored! (Not "Malaysia Can!").

Malaysia is the most boring country in the world. Not a lot of interesting things have happened in Malaysia. Perhaps the most exciting news in Malaysia is the Anwar Ibrahim sodomy case. So for you, better in home than you go to Malaysia aka bored country!

7. Malaysia Super Corridor

Malaysia has made a sophisticated Internet network Multimedia Super Corridor of Malaysia are very proud of them. Indonesia has Onno Purbo, Onno Purbo, and was invited to speak at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the birthplace of the WWW in the world.

8. Lagu Indonesia dominance in Malaysia

Indonesian songs dominate Malaysia, to the extent that the singers and producers who keteteran Malaysia songs, "Union of Malaysian music industry employees" (employees), requested the Ministry of Communications Malaysia immediately restrict playback Indonesian songs. Malaysia songs themselves really sad and does not benefit mankind.

"Malaysia famous rock singer Amy Search said to the press, if at 10pm to top Malaysia's like Jakarta because all the radio broadcast Indonesian songs until dawn". Where are the musicians you Malaysian?

9. Malaysia can not Democracy.

Malaysia is still an authoritarian state, figures such as Anwar Ibrahim accused of sodomy have officially by his own government. And vice versa is a great miracle, that a nation as large and complex as Indonesia, it has been able to build a better democratic system. And we got a lot of pujiaan from other countries because of democracy in Indonesia went well and conducive.

10. Malaysia Truly Crocodile.

Malaysian tourists came to Indonesia and enjoy the natural beauty of Indonesia. Instead Indonesian tourists who come to Malaysia instead ketipu. (Cook the streets of Indonesia to Malaysia and dance ketemunya reog Pendet! What does the world?)

And why there is only going to see the Petronas Towers? More exciting to Singapore or Dubai as well, or just around a better Indonesia.


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